family program中文什么意思

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  1. In 1979 china became the first country to launch a one-child family program .
  2. Use a family program
  3. Destination : modern art is part of ford family programs at moma , which are made possible by ford motor company
  4. The laiyi center held a series of exciting , entertaining family programs during summer vacation for the " little children , " grown - up children " and the " old children " . the programs included stage performances by the darling little angels , highly competitive games and other activities such as : a creative food fair , an art exhibition featuring works by supreme master ching hai , fitness and cosmetic consultations , and a thematic display of the " beauty of scarves "
  5. He is the winning producer . as vice president in charge of family programming squire fostered such wonderful programs for our children as the " abc after school specials , " the popular enduring saturday morning series , " abc schoolhouse rock , " and the delightful group of characters known as " kingdom chums .
    曾夺得次艾美奖的得奖监制鲁施尼尔,是一间家庭节目公司总裁,制作很出色的儿童节目abc下课后特集很受欢迎的abc校园乐与怒与及很有趣的角色" kingdom chums " 。


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  9. family psittacosauridae osborn 什么意思
  10. family psychiatry 什么意思


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